Community Classroom

Brain Teasers

The Gathering Place offers Monthly brain teasers (answers provided at the end) as well as hundreds of fun facts and puns to fit the season! These teasers are available any time of the year for loads of brainiac fun!


Cooking Classes

Classes that can take you from burning boiling water, to Gordon Ramsay's right hand! Learn different pastas, tarts, pies, and so much more

General knowledge classes

We have general education classes- learn to drive, speak different languages, social norms and more!


Classes for kids

Got work? Don't leave your child with some mindless teenager, send them to the Gathering place! We help nourish young minds, teaching them to read, write, and more!


general history

American history isn't an easy subject- and you aren't the first person to forget what they read to you in school!


Unified and special needs classes

We offer classes and sports for everyone! Our dedicated volunteers are great with special needs  friends, and work hard to include everyone!